wtorek, 5 maja 2015


I was fascinated by the recent book, Daily Rituals: How Artists Work. Author Mason Curry examines the schedules of 161 painters, writers, and composers, as well as philosophers, scientists, and other exceptional thinkers.
As I read, I became convinced that for these geniuses, a routine was more than a luxury — it was essential to their work. As Currey puts it, “A solid routine fosters a well-worn groove for one’s mental energies and helps stave off the tyranny of moods.”  I began to notice several common elements in the lives of the healthier geniuses that allowed them to pursue the luxury of a productivity-enhancing routine:
A workspace with minimal distractions
A daily walk.
Accountability metrics.
A clear dividing line between important work and busywork.
A habit of stopping when they’re on a roll, not when they’re stuck.
A supportive partner
Limited social lives
And that of course is what a routine really is — the path we take through our day. Whatever we break that trail ourselves or follow the path blazed by our constraints, perhaps what’s most important is that we keep walking.

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